Sunday, January 17, 2010

Today is the day of the Houston Half Marathon. I did not run it. Or walk it. Or watch it. My tailbone is still broken and painful. It's been five months. August 16 was the day I last rode my bike or did any meaningful exercise. The weather in Houston is gorgeous today. High 50s/low 60s and sunny. Although I live for hot, sunny humid days, even I have to admit that Houston is at its absolute loveliest on days like this. The weather is perfect for running or walking or riding a bike.

Since moving to Houston six years ago, I've been getting sinus infections 2-3 times per year. 2008 was the worst year. I think I had four of them. Last year was not as bad, I only had two infections. In 2008, my ENT recommended that I have my tonsils removed and deviated septum repaired. He said that removing the tonsils would prevent further infections and repairing my deviated septum would help me breathe better. I finally had the surgery last week. It sucked. Don't do it. At least, don't do both surgeries at the same time. You can't eat any dairy (meaning, NO ICE CREAM!!!) since dairy causes your mucous to thicken. And when your mucous thickens, you can't breathe out of your mouth. But you can't breathe out of your nose either because there are splints the size of no. 2 pencils shoved up there. So you end up choking all night long. Ugh. On the other hand, I lost 10 pounds since the surgery last Monday, so I'd call it a roaring success! The week off work has been nice, too. Anyway, we'll see how it is in a few months. If I don't get a sinus infection this year, it will have been worth it.

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