Tuesday, October 13, 2009

There's nothing like a good beating to get you back into shape

It's Biggest Loser Tuesday. Bob got a haircut - he is hawt tonight. I love that the show has a true villain. Tracey. Everyone hates her, and I love it that they hate her so daggum much. One woman just passed out on a treadmill. I think she did it out of sheer hate. She wants to beat Tracey so bad that she has been starving herself. Hate - the ultimate diet. She's ok. When she came to, she had the stink eye. I think she was dreaming about how much she hates Tracey those few minutes she was blacked out. I fully expect Tracey to wake up with a horse's head under the sheets with her one of these days. I freakin' love this show. And as much as I hate Tracey and want her kicked off the show along with the rest of the Losers and America, I think it would be a shame to lose the show's best character this soon.

Tonight was my first weigh-in at Weight Watchers after rejoining last week. I lost six pounds. The meeting leader was a little surprised - when she was handing out the gold star, she said to me, "but it's only your second week." I didn't tell her that I caught a stomach virus and probably lost four of those pounds in a very uncomfortable 12 hour period. I don't feel that much thinner. I expect next week to lose a pound or less. Which is okay. It wasn't my intention to lose 15 pounds in less than a month.

My ass is still broke. It's been 8 weeks, 2 days and 9 hours, give or take a few minutes. It still hurts. The pain is constant but not always terrible. I think I can start running this week. At least I'm going to try. I have 3 months to the half-marathon. I fully expect to walk a big chunk of the race, so I'm not too concerned about finishing. And if all goes well, I'll improve my time substantially when I run the Austin half in February.

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