Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Brokeass Houston

It's official. I broke my ass. It's been 5 weeks and 2 days since my bike accident, and I finally went to the doctor today. Your tailbone is supposed to point straight down. My tailbone now points forward. The doctor was as nice as can be. He told me to pull my pants down and lay facedown on a table. I said, "but we just met." He ignored me and got down to business. After feeling me up (it's the most action I've gotten in months), he told me he'd give me a shot that would ease the pain and help the healing. Ok. Then he left the room with me lying there, ass in the air, for what felt like an hour. Do you pull your pants up and get off the table? Or do you just wait, ass in the air with goosebumps on it because the room is so damned cold? I don't know! So I just waited. I tend to laugh in situations like this, and I couldn't stop laughing. When he did come back, the laughing stopped. He told me he'd be giving me a shot where the break is. I gripped the table and bit my tongue as he went at it. It hurt like a mofo. Like a MOFO I tell youI never want a shot there again. And I really don't want surgery, so I'm going to do as he said, take my meds and sit on my donut until it heals.

Anyway, I'm watching the Biggest Loser tonight. The 2nd challenge was a group challenge which the contestants won. The reward was that each contestant gets to call home. I ain't never seen so much blubbering in my life. If the fridge on the ranch were full of ice cream, it would have gotten ugly. A bunch of emotional wrecks, and all they have to eat are carrot sticks and celery. I'd be hunting for a snickers bar - you know someone smuggled in a snichers or at least some M&M. The show started off well. The contestants discussed what it was like to have voted a person off last week. They are still in the stage where they aren't thinking of the game as a game - it's still just about the weight loss to them. This week, though, the're digging up emotions. You eat because you're sad or hurt or angry or abandoned. The show asks why and how do you stop. We've been reminded several times that Week 2 is traditionally the week where the contestants lose the least amount of weight. You hit a big number during Week 1, and according to Bob and Jillian, it's physically impossible to duplicate those results. The first two contestants weighed in - 4 pounds and 6 pounds. Two weeks ago if they'd lost 4 or 6 pounds, they'd be celebrating. Now, it's a huge disappointment. The group has to lose 115 pounds between the 15 of them. If they succeed, no one goes home. If they fail, two people go home. It's 8:45 and there are several more people to weigh-in, so there's no way they're going to weigh everybody, go through the vote and kick 2 people off by 9:00. So I think they made it. They made it. They lost 155 pounds.

Back to me and my brokebutt. Training is still on hold for another few weeks at a minimum. But I'm trying to keep my chin up (or chins - I've gained about 8 pounds since the accident!). I still think I can make my goal of one event per month next year. If I'm running by mid-October, that'll give me 3 months to train for the half-marathon. It's doable (I think), but it's not going to be a pretty run. The scary/funny thing is that I can't wait to get back on my bike. I miss the hell out of riding, and the season is right. Sunny, warm days are on tap for the next few months in Houston. It's a great time to be in Houston, although I think the summers are just as great (I like the heat). That's about it. Eventually, I'll start posting about training and events and my fitness quest. Hope soon. I'm tired of this broke ass.

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